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Well done for making it through 2020 – What a year!

The committee would like to thank all the trainers, volunteers and club supporters that put so much effort to get their clubs COVID safe and complying with all the required rules before sadly seeing the season come to a close.

The EFLTA continued to work behind the scenes to ensure all teams had the relevant information provided for a safe return if we were able to do so. With the uncertain times to come with COVID, the committee will continue supporting and providing all trainers with solutions for training and accreditation.

We would love to see some new faces on the committee, our current committee are all volunteers who work full time as well as being involved at club level as trainers.  Our meetings are held once a month during the season with one or two in the off season, they are on a Wednesday night and go for an hour.

Please come to the AGM whether or not you wish to join the committee, it would be great to hear any ideas you may have or issues you are facing as a Sports Trainer in the EFL. The AGM this year will be held via ZOOM.

Please RSVP to Keltie Blake if you wish to attend the AGM on or 0432 283 307.

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